
Rhaphiolepis umbellata

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Rhaphiolepis umbellata - Indiase meidoorn, Indische haagdoorn, Yeddo hawthorn, シャリンバイ Sharimbai
Common name: Indiase meidoorn, Indische haagdoorn, Yeddo hawthorn, シャリンバイ Sharimbai
Family: Rosaceae (Rose family)
Distribution: Japan, Korea
Life form: Shrub
Comments: The Yeddo hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis umbellata) is a woody shrub or small tree that is native to Japan and Korea. Von Siebold brought seeds of this plant to our country around 1860. He made them germinate in his ‘Jardin d’Acclimatation’ in Leiden and then raised them. This shrub is in a tub because it is not hardy enough here.
In Japan the shrub can grow up to 4 m tall but in our country its height remains considerably lower. The leaves are ovate, dark green and shiny on the upper side. It flowers in May with large fragrant white flowers of around 1 cm in size that form white felt-like panicles; later, blue-black berries appear. Yeddo hawthorn is often planted in Japanese gardens and pruned into shape; that is how Von Siebold will have encountered it.
Links: RHS


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