
Paulownia tomentosa

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Paulownia tomentosa - Anna Paulownaboom, Anna Paulowna tree
Common name: Anna Paulownaboom, Anna Paulowna tree
Family: Paulowniaceae (Paulowniafamilie)
Distribution: C & W China
Black list: Unknown risk alien
Hardiness: Zone 05
Life form: Tree
Comments: Paulownia tomentosa is native to China, but was planted in France as early as 1834. It was described as a new species in 1841 and named after Anna Paulowna, who was the daughter of the Russian tsar Paul I and wife of the future Dutch king William II. It can also be found in Dutch gardens and has thus naturalised in the Netherlands. In China it is a popular garden tree, and in Japan its wood (kiri) is used for making musical instruments. It is a tree with large leaves with palmate veins and a heart-shaped base. The twigs and flower buds are covered in dense brown hairs, hence the species name tomentosa. The fragrant clock-shaped flowers already appear in April or May, before the leaves emerge. They are on panicles at the end of the twigs, and are purple in colour with two yellow stripes on the inside. The woody seed capsules contain many winged sees, which germinate easily.


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